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Friday, December 18, 2009

Port Dickson-Malacca Short Trip

We take a short trip to Port Dickson and Malacca as Ken needs to deliver something back to his grandpa house in Port Dickson yesterday.

One of the rest house along the beach
We drive to Malacca using old road. Thus, we able to stop by Port Dickson, not exactly Port Dickson beaches but more of the rest houses of companies to sight seeing. Ezel is happy to see the ocean as she seldom get chances like this. She run along the beach happily even it is very sunny.
Ezel sitting on a rock

After spending some times there, we move on to Malacca. We go to the famous tourist spots such as the Porta de Santiago (also known as Fort A Famosa), Malacca river and nearby streets which mostly tourists visit spots. We are not used to the long distance of walking and we stop and rest for many times.

Ezel nagging to carry as she is tired
Then, we decided to go back to our car which is parked quite far away. Unfortunately, the sky looks like it is going to rain soon. We tried to walk quickly as possible but we are so tired that we stopped few rounds. Then, the rain pour down heavily and we have no choice to stay at the shop walkway to keep away from rain.
Waiting at the shop walkway due to rain

We end up having dinner at the corner noodle shop on the walkway we wait for the rain to stop. After the rain has stopped, we walk to our car and head to highway to come back to Kuala Lumpur.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn - Chapters

It is already past 1.30AM but I still cannot keep my eyes shut to rest. My mind just too active. Since I cannot sleep, I decided to read the Chapter 2 of Breaking Dawn.

As mentioned earlier, I knew from the synopsis that Breaking Dawn is touching about sex between Bella and Edward. Thus, I been patiently reading chapters by chapters which talks about the wedding preparation till finally Chapter 5 - Isle Esme. By that time, my eyes really sleepy and going to shut down but since I know that this chapter will talks about their honeymoon, I keeps myself to read it.

After finished the chapter, I am quite disappointing as Stephanie Meyer did not write about the process of making love like other romantic novel I used to read. She just talks the after mate moments and how Edward being angry to himself. I could not believe and keeps reading the next chapter, Chapter 6 - Distraction even my eyes and mind really exhausted now. Still, I been disappointing as Stephanie did not write the process of it but rather the after mate moments. I been wondering if Breaking Dawn is to be film, will they special include the missing part? I really wonder hard. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Twilight Saga : New Moon Movie Conquered

Finally, I watched the Twilight Saga : New Moon movie.

I am a bit upset actually as some of the scenes shown in the trailers seem been missing from the movie. I am sure my eyes are glued to the screen unless those scenes has been taken out and only make for promotional gimmick. Another issue get me upset is that all the kissing scenes has been removed due to Malaysia's so called rating. What a waste. I am not satisfying on the movie. Perhaps it is due to the removal scenes or perhaps I been expecting too much.

Anyhow, I will confirm the above again when this movie is able to download from Internet. I never get sick to watch the movie again and again. It is good to have it as collection as well.

The movie is very similar to the novel but only some of the parts/chapters has been removed or altered. I think that is because the movie has limited time to be air, thus some of the parts/chapters had to be ignored/altered.

Previously, I been hearing and reading the interview on the wolf pack actors whereby they said they have to be trained to have muscled body. Indeed they have the muscles but the actors are not so stand out. Only a few scenes of them and I do not get enough of them. Just like they pass through the movie. I think and hope to see them more in Eclipse movie since the story is about alliance between the vampires and werewolves. Else, I would feel like their efforts are wasted.

Eclipse Novel Concluded; Starting Breaking Dawn Novel

It is past 12AM when I finished the last chapter of Eclipse.

I keep reflecting back to New Moon as the movie is on promotion and been getting news updates about New Moon as well. It sometimes did bother me as well confused myself between New Moon and Eclipse.

As I knew from the synopsis that Breaking Dawn is touching about sex between Bella and Edward, I started Breaking Dawn right after the last chapter of Eclipse novel. But I am too sleepy to read on. Although sleepiness is taking over me, I still managed to sew up to first chapters of Breaking Dawn.