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Friday, April 28, 2006

I am Pregnant

Today is the exiciting day for both of us, Ken and I. It was the day to know the truth from the gyne whether what we efforted for the last few weeks was a success.

At first, the gyne is not able to determine using the ultrasound test. He searched for few minutes before deciding to use the traditional method, urine test. I am so excite yet a bit up sad as we cannot know the result immediately. The nurse gave me a plastic container to urine in. After a few minutes, she called us back to the consultation room. We are so excited and impatient.

The urine test was out and the nurse happily congratulate us. There was two lines in the pregnancy test stick. I AM PREGNANT. Ken and I was so happy and excited. The gyne informed that it is still in the early stage so the second line in the test stick was so light in color. Thus, the gyne is not able to detect the embryo in the ultrasound test yet. He informed us to come back next Friday to locate the location of the embryo with the ultrasound test to ensure the correct location the embryo should be. He even have me to take injection to protect the embryo and asked me to take some medicine because the gyne afraid that the embryo cannot protect itself naturally.

After the confirmation, in these few days, Ken starting to act "weird" - not as usual. He began to take extra caution on me. He even talks to the baby inside me and asked whether the baby like this and that. I think he is enjoying being a father! We still do not know exactly how many the eggs have fertilized since the gyne cannot locate the embryo now with the ultrasound. Hopefully we will know by next Friday and more good news!

Saturday, April 8, 2006


We went to the gyne on Friday night as instructed by the gyne on the past visit. We are going in with a hope. We are hoping that my eggs will fertilize.

After a long queue, finally our turn came. The gyne do an ultrasound on me. He said I have three (3) eggs that are going to mature! Three (3) eggs - means the ovum! Normally the cycle will laid one (1) mature ovum per month but in my case, I have three (3) ovum in my ovaries now! That surprise me a lot as well as Ken. That also means that my chances of getting a baby is bigger now because I have more ovum. I do not know why this month I laid more ovum. Perhaps it is due to the medicine that the gyne prescribed to me on my last visit to him. Or perhaps it is due the last month cycle that I did not ovulate so this month I laid more ovum?

Ken and I are perfectly in good condition, well, if I do not fertilize this month with three (3) ovum, then I am the one who is not that perfectly in good condition as the gyne said. Maybe it is due to the hormone that is not balance. Hopefully the ovum will fertilize and I get a good news as my birthday present! :)

Monday, April 3, 2006

False Alarm

At the beginning of our married life, Ken and I did not want to have baby first. But after discussing and consideration, finally we decided to have baby!!! We go the natural way. Then, my period missed & I began to wonder. I am so excited thinking that there is something growing inside me - my flesh & blood. I do a self test but it was a false alarm!!! I am a bit dissapointed. Then, Ken said that maybe is too early to detect anything. I gave in for the first time. Then, for the second month, I missed again and I re-do the test but it is a false alarm again!!! Finally we went to the gyne and to my surprise, I am having period when the gyne checking me. Confirmed that it is a false alarm after all. *sigh*