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Monday, May 21, 2007

Second Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday, 20 May 2007 was my second year wedding anniversary. However, Ken and I seem to live by the day like nothing special! Weird..........

It seem that we totally forget about the anniversary! A night before, 19 May 2007, I did told Ken that tomorrow is our anniversary when I glaze thru my little diary.

Me : Tomorrow is our anniversary!

Ken : Now only you realize?

Me : I realize that our anniversary is on 20 May but I forget what date is today.

Somehow, when 20 May did arrive, both of us seem to forget about this special day. We do not even wish each other like birthday. :O

We purposely register ourself as a married couple on 20 May 2005 (20/05/2005) because it is easier to remember. Somehow, it turned out that it is not that easy to remember afterall. Well, maybe it is due to the dull and standard day schedule we both used to. Maybe it is also because we are still not yet used to it yet as it is just second year we are officially married to each other. Thus, we forgotten about our wedding anniversary. :P